June view 2009

June view 2009
View of rose and herb garden, June 2009

Small Garden Story

Over some 15 + years, I have been photographing the evolution of my small (85 x 15 foot) garden and it seems a waste not to put these records into some sort of context. Beginning here in April 2010 this Blog is intended to both act as a diary and to share past and present successes (and some failures), pleasures and disappointments with fellow garden-lovers. In due course, I intend to fill in some of the background and early days but that will have to wait until the winter months!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Cold start to May

Yesterday evening, while I was raking the moss out of my "grass" and re-seeding it for what really must be the last time - or I dig it all up and start again - the clouds were finally blown away by the bitingly cold wind and the sky cleared with the result that this morning we had frost. Luckily it doesn't seem to have done any damage but I wouldn't be surprised if we have another one tonight.

Did a lot of tidying and tying in of roses, clematis etc. over the weekend and the garden looks quite neat and bursting with energy - clematis montana, cercis siliquastrum and next door's white lilac all just breaking into flower in comfortable harmony and the potted laburnam I'm training as an espalier in front of the kitchen windows is a picture. I don't know how much longer it will last in its pot - especially now I have stopped its roots from growing through and blocking the drain underneath!

A magical evening light but jacket and gloves for the constitutional with a glass of wine again after labeling up a few more dahlias and watering the overseeded grass.

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