June view 2009

June view 2009
View of rose and herb garden, June 2009

Small Garden Story

Over some 15 + years, I have been photographing the evolution of my small (85 x 15 foot) garden and it seems a waste not to put these records into some sort of context. Beginning here in April 2010 this Blog is intended to both act as a diary and to share past and present successes (and some failures), pleasures and disappointments with fellow garden-lovers. In due course, I intend to fill in some of the background and early days but that will have to wait until the winter months!

Friday 5 October 2018

Early autumn and dahlias

After the incredibly dry summer it was amazing how things took off again once it finally began to rain. Tap water - however frequently and lovingly applied just doesn't have the same effect as rain water, resulting in the dahlias being very late to flower. As I write I am still waiting for the first buds to open on two of them - crossing everything we don't have any early frosts!
Here are a few images as a thank you for those of you who persevere with looking!
My veg have been a success this year, not least lots of different types of legumes in succession beginning with broad beans (the least successful in terms of space to crop ratio), dwarf yellow French beans, dwarf and purple-podded peas and lastly the amazing purple French beans which have only just come to an end. I would really recommend them as they are really easy to grow from seed and seem to crop prolifically although they do get pretty massive - more like a runner bean plant really. I even grew some in a pot with thunbergia this year. They made a pretty pair!