June view 2009

June view 2009
View of rose and herb garden, June 2009

Small Garden Story

Over some 15 + years, I have been photographing the evolution of my small (85 x 15 foot) garden and it seems a waste not to put these records into some sort of context. Beginning here in April 2010 this Blog is intended to both act as a diary and to share past and present successes (and some failures), pleasures and disappointments with fellow garden-lovers. In due course, I intend to fill in some of the background and early days but that will have to wait until the winter months!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Hoar frost

....No entries for a whole month and I am ashamed to say this rather reflects what I have and haven't done in the garden.   Thankfully, we haven't been flooded but the rain and the short dark days have not provided much of an incentive to get out and as I might be moving it is tricky to know what to do - other than pot up some treasures that will have to come with me - although I have put the bird baths out of the frosts's way and a couple of tender climbers which I hope to over-winter.  

The nerines have put on an excellent show again and one or two really hard frosts have cleared up any possible doubt it being time to cut back anything tender.   
This year there is a real dearth of berries - none at all on the amelanchier which was a great attraction to the birds last winter and for the first time ever the seedpods have all fallen - or been blown - from the Judas tree.   So I am trying to remember to feed the birds as much as possible.
Here are a couple of quick shots of the front privet hedge with a prickly intruder which seem rather seasonal.   Pity I didn't have time to get the tripod out!