June view 2009

June view 2009
View of rose and herb garden, June 2009

Small Garden Story

Over some 15 + years, I have been photographing the evolution of my small (85 x 15 foot) garden and it seems a waste not to put these records into some sort of context. Beginning here in April 2010 this Blog is intended to both act as a diary and to share past and present successes (and some failures), pleasures and disappointments with fellow garden-lovers. In due course, I intend to fill in some of the background and early days but that will have to wait until the winter months!

Saturday 1 January 2011

A clean sweep

It seemed like a good day to go out and sweep up the thick coating of hazel leaves which were covering the grass and have a bit of a tidy up of the paths and paved areas too.   Although it was nearly dark by the time I finished, I think it will look a whole lot better tomorrow and maybe I have unearthed a few more goodies for the birds.

In the greenhouse I am astonished to find that the salad "cress"and coriander IS still growing along with a few other potted tender plants.   They seem to have survived the frozen soil.   So too has the parsley and land cress growing in the garden!!!

On a less positive note I decided to check my dahlia corms in the shed and oh, woe... they are not in good shape.   After all my efforts I will be buying afresh in the spring.   Never mind, it will be fun to choose some more! (and a lesson learned for next year....)